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Gynecomastia: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

What is  Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a disorder where males or boys have enlarged breast tissue. When an adolescent boy is going through puberty changes, the breasts may develop unevenly.

The illness is frequently brought on by hormonal imbalance or from consuming estrogen while receiving therapy for prostate cancer. Gynecomastia has also been linked to some drugs, and obesity, however occasionally the exact cause is unknown.

Many health blogs claim that gynecomastia is typically not a serious issue because it can go away on its own. The fact that it also causes chest pain and, worse, shame, may make it uncomfortable for men and boys.

Causes of Gynecomastia

An imbalance of the sex hormones testosterone and estrogen can lead to gynecomastia. Breast tissue grows when estrogen is present but does not expand when testosterone is present.

Although both men and women produce both testosterone and estrogen, men normally produce more testosterone than women do. As their hormone levels change during development, newborn and young males are more likely to develop gynecomastia. It typically resolves itself, though.

Males Breast Reduction who are becoming older may once more experience swollen breasts. Because older men have larger body fat percentages than younger men and produce less testosterone, estrogen levels may rise.

Some men may get the illness as a result of using herbal remedies or medicines, such as:

  1. Analyzing agents

  2. antibiotics

  3. ulcer-treating drugs

  4. chemotherapy

  5. Drugs for treating anxiety include diazepam and tricyclic antidepressants.

  6. a few treatments for HIV, such efavirenz, anti-androgens, and a few for cardiac problems, like calcium channel blockers

Signs and Symptoms of Gynecomastia

Under the man's nipple, there is pain and tenderness, which is the predominant symptom. As gynecomastia develops throughout the growth period, it frequently becomes exceedingly sensitive.

The emergence of a lump behind the nipple is another significant symptom. In severe circumstances, women may have breast development with redundant skin in addition to the lump's common rubbery texture.

Gynecomastia condition diagnostic procedures:

A blood test

The test uses a blood sample to estimate the body's levels of each hormone.

Imaging Exams

Tests like X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, etc. are recommended to get a clear view of the swollen breasts. These examinations assist the gynecomastia physician in identifying the tissues.

Treatment of Gynecomastia

You do not need to worry about whether you are a good candidate for surgery because as long as you have the disorder, it will affect you negatively.

Anesthesia is administered prior to the surgery for your comfort. General anesthesia and intravenous sedation are two possible forms of anesthesia. The ideal choice for you will be suggested by the surgeon. During the operation, your chest may be treated with a variety of procedures, including the following:

Liposuction Technique

The Liposuction Surgery technique may be utilized alone if your case of gynecomastia is often brought on by an excess of fatty tissue. Through a series of tiny incisions, a cannula or thin hollow tube is inserted during this process.

Excision Technique

The liposuction technique may be utilized alone if your case of gynecomastia is often brought on by an excess of fatty tissue. Through a series of tiny incisions, a cannula or thin hollow tube is inserted during this process.

Combination of Liposuction & excision techniques 

Rare situations necessitate the use of both strategies. Following the treatment, rehabilitation calls for 1-2 weeks off from demanding work and a 5- to a 6-week ban on lifting, pushing, and tugging. The incision will also receive dressings and bandages, and an elastic bandage or support garment may be used to reduce swelling and support your new chest shape.

To temporarily drain extra blood or fluid from the incision, a teeny, thin tube may be briefly inserted under the skin. To speed up the healing process, it is important to consider these recovery effects seriously. However, you should start seeking medical attention right away if you start to feel chest pain, breathlessness, or an odd heartbeat because hospitalization might be necessary.

Following your Gynecomastia Doctor in Coimbatore advice after the procedure is crucial, so keep that in mind. Such surgical incisions are not exposed to swelling, strong forces, abrasion, or motion while they are healing.


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